Current Version 10.8, follow install guide below and if you experience any problems please review FAQ or contact us on the Forum here on website or via our main page on Steam.
Download mod from one of the following:
2. Unzip file and place "_wotgpatch20" file into your Rome 2 "data" folder
3. Activate mod using the Rome 2 Launcher and tick "Use out of date mods" box
4. Enjoy!
Please note you must only use one version of mod.

Sub Mods
Optional Mods
All of the mods below are tried and tested with Main Mod and are compatible with no issues.
Imperator Augustus Map for Grand Campaign - Updated 23/9/2023
Ported the Imperator Augustus map over to Grand campaign with all the extra cities and stuff that came with the map. Have also added all Factions Unlocked, Victory Conditions, 4TPY, AOR for existing Units, Walls to some cities that were missing, Increased garrison unit sizes diplomacy relationships and starting monies increased. all the above is balanced for Wars of The Gods mod.
Known Bugs: Minor Factions do not have family tree activated but the old version works fine and should not have any crashes in game.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Better Public Order Sub Mod - Updated 4/6/2019
Doubles the public order happiness of all Religious Temples and Public Entertainment buildings for less revolts and a more stable Empire. Lowers the Public Order penalties for occupations in enemy cultures by 40%, so less rebellions. Compatible with all other Wars of the Gods sub mods.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Deadly Projectiles Sub Mod - Updated 23/4/2020
Raised range,marksmanship,damage and Ap damage by 15-18% on all projectiles
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
More Armies Sub Mod - Updated 23/10/2021
Ai will create more armies, Lowered upkeep for player by 50%, lowered recruitment by 25%, raised army caps per imperium level by 15%,raised naval cap by 10%, raised food payload by 20%. Not to be used with Hard Economy sub mod.
Steam Download: Link
MediaFire Download: Link
Double Cost and turns for Buildings Sub Mod - Updated 20/5/2021
Doubles the turns to create buildings and Technology and doubles the cost.
Steam Download: Link
MediaFire Download: Link
Super Slaughter Sub Mod - Updated 23/09/2023
Hard Core sub mod-Combines Total Slaughter, Hard Economy, Longer Battles, Hard Diplomacy and More Open Field Battles sub mods into one. More aggressive Ai , more difficult economy, epic battles, more armies, difficult diplomacy. For the Veteran Total War player
that wants a real challenge. Prepare for the Slaughter. Best played on Very Hard difficulty.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Harder Diplomacy Sub Mod
All diplomacy deals will be harder to get and to hold on too.
Steam Download: Link
MediaFire Download: Link
Bloodier Battles Sub Mod - Updated 19/5/2021
Doubles the melee weapon damage and raised Armor penetration by 15%, matched combat raised by 30%.
Battles will be 25% faster and have more kill animations shown with more blood. Bloody.
Steam Download: Link
MediaFire Download: Link
Harder Economy Sub Mod - Updated 23/09/2023
Costs raised across the board for the player on units, upkeep, buildings, administration, agent upkeep,gdp penalties,lowered income bonus on ai factions by 25%, ai will focus more on raiding food producing area and unstable regions-this is going to be tough!
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Free Roaming Sub Mod - Updated 29/3/2020
This Mod Reduced Zones of Control Radius and Raised Reinforcement Radius. Changed Spotting and Hiding rules. Armies will now have more room to maneuver on campaign map to surround enemy armies and bypass cities and enemy armies. Battles will have more chance of reinforcements joining the battle. Ambushes will be better on battlefield as units will be harder to spot in forests and scrub.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
More Field Battles Sub Mod - Updated 18/11/2020
Reduces the amount of minor settlement battles by 80% they will be fought outside of the town. Zone of control radius is doubled so armies will intercept other armies better and result in a field battle. Reinforcement radius is 1/2 of zone of control so reinforcements will arrive to battles. Enemy armies get 10% bonus line of site on campaign map. Spotting and Hiding values are changed for better ambushes on battle map.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Longer Battle Sub Mod - Updated 01/07/2023
Battle length is now 35% longer. Larger unit size battles full stacks can last ave. 45-60 minutes. Units with higher morale battle last longer still.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Random Personalities Sub Mod - Updated 22/01/2021
At the start of a Campaign AI will Randomly pick a different AI personality for a faction. So this makes every campaign game different from the next as the faction behavior will be different. Please note this sub mod is ONLY compatible with Main Mod and you cannot use Total Slaughter or Slower Campaign with this mod.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Total Slaughter Sub Mod - Updated 23/9/2023
This sub mod give the AI - Super Aggression, Epic Battles and Huge armies in campaign game. This is like playing on Legendary x 2.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Slower Campaign Sub Mod - Updated 23/9/2023
AI is way less aggressive, it focuses on Regional Development , Trade, border security and Defending their lands.
For player that wants a slower paced campaign to focus on building their faction.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
More Difficult Public Order Sub Mod
Raised public order, foreign occupation and political loyalty penalties per Imperium Level. Power Corrupts.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Blood Mod
Enables blood splatter and nice effects to battles, already activated in a "movie" format so just place in data folder and in game enable the mod in "Mods" within settings in game. To see full effects your Settings in game for texture must be set to highest level.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Cesaerian Alternative Shields Mod - Updated 6/10/2018:
Optional mod to use the wonderful Shields designs from the Roman Models Extravaganza team for the Early Legions. You can view the shield types in the forum under "Updates" section. I will update into main mod if everyone likes the designs.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Total War Apocalypse Sub Mod - Updated 23/09/2023
AI will create many armies with experience and invade with force. Recruitment and upkeep for player raised, building costs raised, administration costs raised, Ai forces in battles will be strong, Ai will be very aggressive, diplomacy will be harder, Ai will defend their regions better.
Note: NOT Compatible with the following submods: Total Slaughter ,Super Slaughter, Hard Economy, More Armies.
This sub mod for best results is to be played on VERY HARD or LEGENDARY Campaign Difficulty. Be Brave and Pray.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
Environments Mod - Updated 30/11/2018
Gives more immersion in game on Ambiance, Lighting, Reflections, Water and HD Quality textures. This mod is designed to work alongside GEM mod but can be used on its own
Mediafire Download: Link
Imperial Centurion Alternative officers Mod
Optional mod to use alternative centurion models from Total War Arena for all named late legions.
Steam Download: Link
Mediafire Download: Link
People of Rome Sub Mod - Updated 25/5/2021
This mod uses the Population in each region based and represents the fighting age male population divided into 4 classes, Nobles, Warriors, Commoners, Foreigners with culturally specific variants of these given to each faction. All units will require population to recruit, the population class needed will be dependent on the units that you recruit for each faction. Please note that the mod is not enabled for Rise of the Republic DLC as yet. We have combined all 4 mods into one and made this compatible with Main mod:
Mediafire Download: Link
Steam Download: Link
Below are links to the mods for reference only that are incorporated in the above download. Please do not download any other version from the links below as they are not compatible and will give erratic results in game.
People of Rome 2 - Script Compatible: Link
Your Peoples Trust (Vanilla): Link
Prominent Faction Leaders: Link
Your Peoples Trust (bridge for People of Rome 2 & Prominent Faction Leaders) : Link