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This section is for all issues related to the  Wars of the Gods mod. If you do not see an answer to your question in the FAQ then please post your query on the forum section on this website.


Q: Is this mod compatible with Patch 20/Ancestral Update?

A: Yes, includes all features from Patch 20 including Family Tree and many other features.

Q: Is this mod compatible with Patch 17/18/19?

A: Unfortunatley no, there are essential updates to the game in Patch 20 that need to be applied and I will not be supporting earlier versions.


Q: When I try and download from MediafIre it states that the site is "dangerous"?

A: MediaFire is 100% safe and having used the site for over 12 years with no issues. Also you can download the mod from ModDB by clicking on links at top of the page.


Q: How do I unzip the files?

A: Use one of these programs: Winzip or 7zip


Q: I have downloaded mod and where do I install the files?

A: Once you have unzipped the file place it into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Total War Rome II\data

"C" is the directory where my game is located, you may have different location on your hard drive for the game.


Q: Do I need all DLC to play this mod?

A: No, The mod will work without DLC. However some factions and units are only unlocked via DLC, so you may not see all factions and the units in game without the DLC purchased.


Q: My game crashes....I have weird behavior in game  etc..?

A: This can be various factors, and the most important one is use this mod with the supporting mods that are recommended in "Download" section only.  External mods are not supported and in most cases this is the main reason for conflicts, crashes and bugged game play. Also if you are a Steam User of game, Verify your Game Cache as this resolves many issues.

There is also a problem with Steam mods been left over in your data folder after Patch 20 as most Steam mods now get switched to this location: Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\214950. You need to physically open the numeric files within this folder and then delete the mod folder for the mod you wish to remove completely to Uninstall. Also post any issues on the Forum section and the team will endeavor to reply.


Q: I have Pirate version of Rome 2 game will this mod work?

A: I do not support piracy and I cannot give any support on non Steam/Retail version of game. However I understand from Non Steam users of game that the mod is compatible if you have the correct files installed for core game.

Q: Where may I find an explanation for all the Buildings, Units, Technology that are available in game...?

A: There is an excellent resource site available on that gives an in depth explanation of the in game mechanics within Rome 2 here: Link


Q; Where can I find all the resources that are available on map?

A: Right here: Link

Q: I have been playing other Overhaul mods but what is so different with this mod?

A: If you have ever played the Original Rome Total War we pride ourselves on the inspiration, mechanics and game play from great mods like Roma Surrectum and SPQR.  Wars Of The Gods is not a College Thesis and nor is it an extension of Vanilla game, It is totally unique and we are proud what we have delivered in this mod to our players.

Q: Why are all the Roman Units not available from the start?

A: There are three reforms for the roman's and the Legions become available only when the relevant technology have been researched (Marian, Augustan and Imperial Reforms). The Legions and Auxilia units become available in there designated Areas of recruitment as based on historical fact. (see below for AOR Regions for Legions and Auxilia units)

Grand Campaign / Legions Recruitment Map: Link

Imperator Augustus Campaign / Legions Recruitment Map: Link


  • Early Auxiliary Legions, Archers and cavalry units are available after "Mercenary Auxillaries" is researched in tech tree

  • First 15 legions (with no spacings) for Marian time frame become available after "Remuneration Reforms" have been researched in tech tree.

  • 28 legions and some early Auxiliary units for Augustian time frame become available after "Cohort Organisation" have been researched in tech tree


  • 28 Imperial Legions and Late Auxiliary  units are available after the "Professional Soldiery" is researched in tech tree

Q: I notice that the AI makes many stacks of armies early game and I have a lot of money to spend each turn when playing as Rome and some other Major factions?

A: The Mods preferred level to be played on is Hard/Very Hard difficulties. Experienced Players:If you want the most challenging campaign it is recommended you play on Very Hard Campaign difficulty and use some of the following submods: Harder Economy, Double Research and Building Costs, Total Slaughter or the Super Slaughter submod. Also if you play as the Romans the preferred level is Very Hard as they have buffs in game so that the AI when using them stay in game and do not get wiped out early on!


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please remember to load all sub mods in front of Main Mod.

Rome- Very Hard with Hard Economy and Super Slaughter or Total War Apocalypse sub mod
Carthage- Very Hard with Hard Economy and Super Slaughter sub mod or Total War Apocalypse sub mod
Macedon-Very Hard with Hard Economy and Total Slaughter sub mod
Sparta- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Athens- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Seleucid- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Egypt- Very Hard with Hard Economy and Total Slaughter sub mod.
Parthia- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Bactria-Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Armenia- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Pontus- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Pergamon- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Epirus- Very Hard with Super Slaughter sub mod.
Massilia- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
Gallic Factions- Very Hard with Total Slaughter Bloodier Battles sub mods
Germanic Factions - Very Hard with Total Slaughter and Bloodier Battles sub mods
Celtic Factions - Very Hard with Total Slaughter and Bloodier Battles sub mods
Eastern Factions - Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod and Deadlier Missiles sub mod.
Desert Factions - Very Hard with Total Slaughter and Deadlier Missiles sub mod.
Nomadic Factions- Very Hard with Total Slaughter and Deadlier Missiles sub mods
Other Greek Factions- Very Hard with Total Slaughter sub mod.
All other Factions- Very Hard with Total Slaughter Submod

IF you want a more casual campaign then play on NORMAL difficulty using the SLOWER CAMPAIGN sub mod with Longer Battles sub mod.


Rome - Very Hard with Hard Economy sub mod and Longer Battles
Carthage- Very Hard with Hard Economy sub mod and Longer Battles
Macedon-Very Hard with Hard Economy and Longer Battles
Sparta- Very Hard with Longer Battles sub mod.
Athens- Hard with Longer Battles
Seleucid - Very Hard with Hard Economy and Longer Battles
Baktria- Hard with Hard Economy and Longer Battles
Armenia- Very Hard with Hard Economy and Longer Battles
Pergamum- Very Hard with Longer Battles
Epirus- Very Hard with Longer Battles
All other factions: Very Hard with Longer Battles.

ALL FACTIONS: LEGENDARY with Super Slaughter sub mod. Good Luck!

USE ONLY ONE Campaign Difficulty submod (Slaughter,Apocalypse,Annihilation) . You CANNOT combine different Campaign AI behavior sub mods- Slower, Slaughter,Apocalypse,Annihilation-with each other-USE ONLY ONE .

List of Do's and Dont's below:


You CANNOT combine Longer Battles with Bloodier Battles.
You CANNOT combine Higher Public Order with Lower Public order.
You CANNOT use No AI Buffs or No Battle Buffs with the Slaughter, Apocalypse or Annihilation or Stronger Rome sub mods.


You CAN use any battle sub mods with any campaign sub mods- Bloodier, Longer, Deadlier Missiles.
You CAN use the Stronger Rome with any of the campaign sub mods and the battle mods.
You CAN use any Economic sub mod with any other sub mod.


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Background Photo by: Luciferhawk, Video Courtesy of YouTube

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