
06/10/2024 - Main Mod Update 10.8:
Campaign: Complete reworking of all recruitment bonuses all factions. Re scaling of all starting funds of all factions in Grand Campaign.
Complete overhaul of all diplomatic behaviors-Ai will will now grant peace, trade and defensive treaties with other friendly factions.
Endless wars are toned down. Ai will want peace if it is losing. Overhaul of all Ai recruitment of armies-they will build better balanced armies with better elite troops. Overhaul of Ai building behaviors-they will spend money on military tech to build better barracks to unlock better units. Raised commodities prices for more valuable trade.
Reduced costs of military buildings so Ai will make them. Reduced costs and upkeep for Ai units so they can and will field armies on the campaign map. Building effects overhauled so there are better bonuses. Removed upkeep penalties for player per Imperium. Upkeep penalties for player in enemy territory.
Ai will now build navies. Lowered tech research time for Romans and Greek factions. Upkeep raised for player armies in enemy territory (No more camping in enemy territory).Raised costs of buildings for player. Reduced aggressive military behavior of minor factions. Raised line of sight of spies and generals. Ai will hunt and go after enemy forces more.
Battles: Added expanded city deployment zones so player can set up units and deployable traps and new pallisades outside of city walls.
( Thanks go to Ave Metal for permission to use his new mods for this awesome feature!)
Spotting ranges raised to help stop Ai unit blobs. Raised morale penalties for flank and rear attacks. Raised time limits for holding victory points in fortified city battles. No more victory points for minor settlement battles.( You will have to destroy the enemy army).
Raised mass settings for Cavalry and Heavy Infantry units for more impactful charges. Raised charge bonuses for all Cavalry units. Raised charge speeds for all units. Raised run speed for all infantry units and all Cav units. Changed weapon AP damages. Raised weapon damages for sword units and axe units.
Overall a more dynamic campaign-there is something always going on. Recommended campaign difficulty is Hard/Very Hard campaign. Battles on Normal settings.
NOT SAVE COMPATIBLE. You must start a new campaign.
23/9/2023 - Main Mod Update 10.7:
Fix for technology tech research times to proper 4tpy scaling. Fix for Tylis not have the correct faction type..changed to Celtic. Changed the focus on the Ai priorities for tech development so they will make better upgrade units.
Reconfiguration of Ai construction priorities to focus on a more balanced set of buildings. Overhaul of diplomatic events and behaviors to make the diplomacy have more logical sense. War and peace settings changed so as not to make wars last forever.
Changed Ai occupation setting for more occupation and less sacking and razing. Lowered Ai Gdp bonuses. Trespassing is a big deal may start wars! Lowered money amounts for Loot and Sacking settlements. Some factions will have changed Ai personalities for better expansion behaviors.
Changed some faction unit recruitment priorities so they will make more powerful units with better experience. Raise some resource prices for slaves. Changed some starting money for certain factions so they they have a better starting chance. Rome, Carthage Macedon, Seleucid, Egypt, Pontus get small money subsistance.
Raised costs for human player for building, units and upkeep. Lowered upkeep penalties by Imperium levels by 50% to off set higher costs. Changed some states for some units for balance. Better AI army unit mix of better units. More chance of events happening in campaign word. Lots of Action going on all the time.
Battles: Raised unit mass for heavy infantry. Higher moral penalties for Flank And Rear attacks and Army Losses. Raised javelin damage and lowered hoplite shield stats. Gave Roman Principes shield wall ability and Triarii anti cav ability. Raised matched combat 5% and lowered hit chance 5%.
Changed Naval Morale settings. Added some files from Ave Metals Better Siege mod for major cities only. NOT SAVE GAME COMPATIBLE- You Must start a new campaign.
12/8/2023 - Main Mod Update 10.6:
Bug fix for AI not recruiting armies. Ai will now research technology types better to build correct buildings to recruit units and also better civic buildings also.
Money was raised 25% for Ai. More money for trade goods raised 15%. Ai campaign forces will be more focused- more balanced on AI factions and Human players. Diplomacy will be more active with easier chance to get trade relations early in game.
Ai will make peace if War is not working for them. The AI will make more fleets with bigger more powerful ships. 50% Ai faction units have been re balanced as some factions where just too weak. City garrisons have been improved so the mid game will be tougher.
Changed Ai faction personalities for more balanced construction behaviors. AI will make better and more powerful armies earlier in campaign-so no waiting till the end of the game to see real elite units! Units will level up faster.
AI is more aggressive on Campaign map (Hard difficulty and above) and factions expand and Regions change hands all the time- A very dynamic campaign world!
Ai will be ruthless if it sees your faction is weak. Battles: Javelins have better AP bonus. Swords have raised damage bonus. Raised weapon attack interval times so battles last longer..but not too long.
29/6/2023 - Main Mod Update 10.5:
Construction times for building raised 35%. Reduced Ai research priorities on some technologies by 75% as they were too fast. Ai will build better balanced armies.
Re balanced the unit recruitment of different culture types. Ai will focus on allocation of more money for navies for naval factions, Ai forces will attack with better coordination with at least two army groups.
Ai will retreat if up against superior forces. Ai will expand better. Changed some faction personalities. Military Alliances will be more difficult to get.
Diplomatic relations are a bit more balanced as player will have to try to do things more to please other factions. Trade treaties will be easier with friendly nations. Ai defensive posture raises on campaign map.
Battles will be more tactical as the enemy will exploit weakness. Spotting ranges on battlefields raised 15%. Morale penalties raised for Flank and Rear attacks. Units will route sooner if army is taking heavy casualties.
Adjusted fatigue in battles. AP damage on melee and projectile weapons raised 5%. Shields for barbarian faction made a bit more sturdy.

28/8/2018 - Latest version ready to download, which includes the removal of formation_attack which was causing sliding and teleporting of units in game. Added UI cards for all factions in Rise of the Republic, also some further BAI tweaks to make gameplay better.
21/8/2018 - Another small update as I found some BAI animations were not working correctly, also fixes to Family tree for Carthage & Liguria showing wives now in ROTR.